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Nov 10, 2019 · Important – Support for iPhone 5S, iPad Mini 2, iPad Mini 3, as well as the iPad Air is experimental as of version Beta 0.9. iPad Air 2, iPad 5th generation, and iPad Pro 1st generation are not supported as of yet (Update: These devices are now compatible). Firmware iOS 12. iOS 12.3; iOS 12.3.1; iOS 12.4; iOS 12.4.1; iOS 12.4.2; iOS 12.4.3 Rootless JB for iOS 12 – iOS 12.5.2 Jailbreak. Now, RootlessJB4 RC.2.0 is the first and ever Semi Untethered jailbreak support for all the iOS 12 versions up to iOS 12.4.8. However, it is the Open-source jailbreak for A7 to A11 devices. RootlessJB for iOS 12 – iOS 12.1.2 developed by Jake James for the very first time. It was an open source iOS 12是苹果公司研发的移动端手机操作系统,于北京时间2018年6月5日在美国 加利福尼亚州举办的2018 2018年9月18日,苹果正式向用户推送iOS 12正式版 系统更新,iPhone 5S及以上机型均可更新。 2019年2月8日 扫码下载百科 APP.
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Launcher iOS 14 sets a new standard for the Android mobile operating system. It makes your phone better than before. And now it opens up to amazing jailbreak tool. iOS 11.0 - 14.3 (Note: If you are using two factor authentication, generate an app specific password, and use that here.) On your iOS device, iOS 12 正式版已經針對iPhone、iPod touch 和iPad 推出更新,由於iOS 12 剛推出時,假如 iOS 12.4.2 正式版(16G114) iPSW官方下載點(2019.10.26)認證關閉 iOS 12.1.4 正式版(16D39) iPSW官方下載點(2019.2.8)認證關閉. 快讯:iOS11.0~14.3 支持iPhone5S/SE/6/6P/6S/6SP7/7P/8/SE2/8P/X/Xr/Xs/XsMax/11/11Pro/11ProMax/12Mini/12/12Pro/12Max 越狱的朋友,欢迎添加雷锋源 特别注意:如果自动下载了升级文件,请前往设置-通用-iPhone存储空间 里删除 2:链接你的iOS设备到电脑(需要有iTunes环境). 3:拖动下载好 Where to find the direct links to the iPhone Firmware Files for every released firmware 14.4.2 (8 Plus GSM): iPhone_5.5_P3_14.4.2_18D70_Restore.ipsw 14.4.2 (12 Pro Max): iPhone13,4_14.4.2_18D70_Restore.ipsw Get the iClarified app for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac OS X, and Apple Watch! 更新到iOS 12将使您的iPhone,iPad和iPod更强大,更灵敏。 iPhone X. iPhone 8; iPhone 8 Plus; iPhone 7; iPhone 7 Plus; iPhone 6s; iPhone 6s Plus; iPhone 6; iPhone 6 Plus; iPhone SE; iPhone 5S. iPad的. this is a ipad. 12.9英寸iPad Pro第2代; 10.5英寸iPad Pro; 9.7英寸iPad Pro; iPad第6代; iPad 点击下载并安装。 WeChatiPhone 版,免费、安全下载。WeChat 微信也针对iPad进行了优化,包括文本大小选项和改进的兼容性。 版本. 8.0.2 iOS 12.1.2