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Cisco Jabber for Windows Collaborate anytime, anywhere Streamline communications and enhance productivity by integrating presence, instant messaging, desktop sharing, and audio, video, and web conferencing into a single client for your laptop or desktop. 免费: cisco jebber 下载软件在 UpdateStar: - Cisco Jabber 是安装在 PC、Mac、平板电脑和智能手机上的统一通信应用程序(客户端),使用户能够轻松访问状态、即时消息 (IM)、语音、视频、语音消息、桌面共享和会议。它通过一流的思科统一通信帮助您更快、更安全地与同事、合作伙伴和客户沟通和合作。

13/3/2020 Hi all , I am trying to use cisco jabber in VDI clients . user can login in cisco jabber but phone service not working . VDI clients are connecting from WAN as the collaboration severs are located in remote site . required ports are opened in

根据思科(Cisco)9月2日安全公告显示,思科Windows版本Jabber(即时通讯软件) 对购买了许可证的软件版本和功能集提供支持,通过安装,下载,访问或以其他方式使用此 并准备提供上述安全通报的URL ,以作为有权免费升级的证据。